Earlier this month we reported that an iTunes Radio launch in at least Canada was on the way and today the service has officially started arriving for some users. While we’ve only been able to confirm availability in Canada first hand, others are reporting that iTunes Radio is also starting to roll out in the UK:


[tweet https://twitter.com/mmkhalifaa/statuses/388306372041125888]

Bloomberg reported earlier this week that Apple was targeting an iTunes Radio launch in several new countries for 2014. According to the report, Apple was expecting to rollout the new radio service in The United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia by early next year.

Apple officially launched its iTunes Radio streaming service in the U.S. alongside the launch of iOS 7 late last month. Not long after the company announced that it recorded 11 million unique listeners in just a few days and confirmed the service will soon expand into other markets.

iOS 7 doesn’t require an update to enable access to the service in new countries, but a quick restart of your device or the Music app should make iTunes Radio appear if it’s available in your location.

Update: It’s unclear if the service is actually beginning to roll out in Canada or if there is a server side issue causing iTunes Radio to appear in the Music app. Shortly after appearing in Canada the service stopped functioning: